Tanzania Awards Scholarships and Inaugurates Energy Efficiency Laboratory to Empower Young Women and Transform the Energy Sector
15 Oct, 2023 Download

Dar es Salaam,Tanzania–October13,2023. The Ministry of Energy (MoE) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today awarded scholarships to ten (10) young women to pursue Master of Engineering degrees in Sustainable Energy Engineering at the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT). The scholarships are part of implementation of the Tanzania's 1st Energy Efficiency Action Plan, with support from the European Union (EU) and UNDP.

The Action Plan aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all in Tanzania. One of its key actions is to develop professional qualifications and skills in Energy Management and Energy Audit, with particular attention to women.

“167 applications were received from young women around the country for the Tanzania Young Women Scholarship program under Energy Efficiency Program: EU-UNDP funded. The successful applicants were selected based on their academic merit, leadership potential, and commitment to energy efficiency. The scholarship recipients will begin their studies at DIT in October 2023. The program will provide them with extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience in sustainable energy engineering,” said Prof. Preksedis M. Ndomba, DIT Principal.

“UNDP is thrilled to share that our collaboration with DIT has borne fruit through the Tanzania Young Women Scholarship Under Energy Efficiency Program: EU-UNDP funded. The ten remarkable young women receiving scholarships today represent a future where gender equality and sustainable energy are intertwined,” – elaborated Mr. Sergio Valdini, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative.

In addition to awarding scholarships, the project has also supported DIT with the procurement of Energy Efficiency equipment and furnished a newly established laboratory that will be used for practical teaching, consultancy, and research in Energy Management, Energy Audit, and Building Certification.

In her remarks on behalf of the Permanent Secretary from the Ministry of Energy at the event, Bahati C. Mtono, Director of Human Resources, Administration and Management, called “upon all beneficiaries of this project including DIT to make proper use of the facilities, knowledge and to young women, make sure that they are concentrating to the studies and the Ministry don’t expect any of them to abscond the studies for petty reasons.”.

The Head of Natural Resources at the EU Head of Delegation to Tanzania, Mr. Lamine Diallo said that the EU is proud to support Tanzania's efforts to promote energy efficiency. "The EU is committed to supporting Tanzania's transition to a clean and sustainable energy future," said Lamine Diallo. "This project is an important step in this direction, and we are proud to support the scholarship program and the inauguration of this new energy efficiency laboratory.".

A high-level award event was held today at DIT to celebrate the scholarship recipients and inaugurate the new laboratory. The event was attended by senior representatives from the MoE, UNDP, EU, DIT, and other stakeholders in the energy sector.

For additional information, please contact Jolson Masaki, Communications Analyst, at jolson.masaki@undp.org or visit: www.energyefficiency.co.tz.